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发布者:晏祎峤 [发表时间]:2023-03-05 [来源]:南宁师范大学化学与材料学院 [浏览次数]:
图片 校对 陆胜文
审核 杨晶 终审






2022-07 至今, 南宁师范大学, 化学与材料学院, 讲师

2016-09 2020-12, 南开大学, 有机化学, 博士

2011-09 2014-07, 山东大学, 有机化学, 硕士

2007-09 2011-07, 广西大学, 轻化工程, 学士






(1) Yi-Qiao Yan, Yi-Zhou Zhu, Pan-Pan Dai, Jun Han, Mao Yan, Jian-Yu Zheng. Effect of triphenylethylene analogues on the performance of carbazole-based dye-sensitized solar cells. Solar Energy, 2020, 207: 428-435.

(2) Yi-Qiao Yan, Yi-Zhou Zhu, Jun Han, Pan-Pan Dai, Mao Yan, Jian-Yu Zheng. Fine tuning of the photovoltaic properties of triarylethylene-bridged dyes by altering the position and proportion of phenyl/thienyl groups. Dyes and Pigments, 2020, 183: 108630.

(3) Yi-Qiao Yan, Yi-Zhou Zhu, Pan-Pan Dai, Jun Han, Mao Yan, Jian-Yu Zheng. Tetraphenylethylene-bridged double-branched sensitizers featuring hetero-donors for dyesensitized solar cells. New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44: 12909.

(4) Pan-Pan Dai, Yi-Zhou Zhu, Qing-Long Liu, Yi-Qiao Yan, Jian-Yu Zheng. Novel indeno[1,2-b]indole-spirofluorene donor block for efficient sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells. Dyes and Pigments, 2020, 175: 108099.

(5) Pan-Pan Dai, Jun Han, Yi-Zhou Zhu, Yi-Qiao Yan, Jian-Yu Zheng. Orientation-dependent effects of indeno[1,2-b]indole-spirofluorene donor on photovoltaic performance of D-π-A and D-D-π-A sensitizers. Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 481: 228901.

(6) Mao Yan, Qun-Hui Wang, Yi-Zhou Zhu, Ming-Liang Han, Yi-Qiao Yan, Jian-Yu Zheng. Effect of triptycene unit on the performance of porphyrin-based dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 2021, 416: 113325.

(7) Mao Yan, Yi-Zhou Zhu, Yi-Qiao Yan, Qun-Hui Wang, Guan-Lin Yin, Jian-Yu Zheng. Location effect of triptycene on the photovoltaic performance of carbazole-based dyes. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 2022, 433: 114132.