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发布者:龙攀峰 [发表时间]:2025-03-05 [来源]:南宁师范大学化学与材料学院 [浏览次数]:
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审核 杨晶 终审













主要从事氟硅表面活性剂的合成、性质以及在纸浆模塑、特种涂料等领域防水防油的应用;纳米多孔碳负载Pt/Pt基合金纳米颗粒材料的制备及其ORR性能的研究。以第一作者身份在SCI期刊Adv Colloid Interface Sci., Soft Matter, J. Phys. Chem. B., Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 发表学术论文10余篇。


1. 广西壮族自治区科技厅科学技术基金:丙烯酸树脂系列防水防油剂的合成、性质与功能,合同编号:桂科AD2302614010万,在研(2023-2026

2. 贵州省科学技术基金:碳氟表面活性剂在离子液体中聚集行为的研究,合同编号:黔科合J[2013]2244号,3.9万,主持完成

3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:高表面活性碳氟离子液体的界面自组装、溶液聚集行为及性质研究,项目批准号:2130302825万,主持完成

4. 贵州省拔尖科技人才项目:三聚磷酸铝的制备、改性及其对重金属离子吸附的研究,合同编号:黔教合KY[2016]083号,15万,主持完成

5. 贵州铁建恒发新材料股份有限公司:混凝土用脱模剂的开发,5万,主持完成

6. 珠海弗洛瑞化工贸易有限公司:纸浆模塑用防油剂的开发,10万,主持完成


1. P. Long, J. Hao. A gel state from densely packed multilamellar vescles in the crystalline state. Soft Matter 2010, 6, 4350-4356.

2. P. Long, A. Song, D. Wang, R. Dong, J. Hao. pH-Sensitive vesicles and rheological properties of PFLA/NaOH/H2O and PFLA/LiOH/H2O systems. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2011, 115, 9070-9076. (ACS Journals in the News)

3. P. Long, H. Yan, X. Guo, J. Hao. Lyotropic Liquid Crystal Phases of Lithium Perfluorinated Fatty Acid Salts in Aqueous Solutions and Molecular Dynamics Study of the Lamellar Phase. J Fluorine Chem. 2012, 135, 315-322.

4. P. Long, J. Hao. Phase behavior and self-assemble aggregates of hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon surfactant mixtures in aqueous solutions. Adv Colloid Interface Sci. 2012, 171-172, 66-76.

5. P. Long, J. Chen, D. Wang, Z. Hu, J. Hao. Influence of counterions on micellization of tetramethylammonium perfluorononanoic carboxylate in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquid. J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 7669-7675.

6. Jingfei Chen, Panfeng Long, Hongguang Li, Jingcheng Hao. Investigations into the bending constant and edge energy of bilayers of salt-free catanionic vesicles. Langmuir 2012, 28, 5927−5933.

7. Dong Wang, Panfeng Long, Renhao Dong, Jingcheng Hao. Self-assembly in the mixtures of surfactant and dye molecule controlled via temperature and β‑cyclodextrin recognition. Langmuir 2012, 28, 14155−14163.

8. Dong Wang, Renhao Dong, Pangfeng Long, Jingcheng Hao. Photo-induced phase transition from multilamellar vesicles to wormlike micelles. Soft Matter 2011, 7, 10713-10719.

9. Zhengjian Chen, Zuopeng Li, Xiaoyun Ma, Panfeng Long, Yun Zhou, Lin Xu and Shiguo Zhang. A facile and efficient route to hydrophilic ionic liquids through metathesis reaction performed in saturated aqueous solution. Green Chemistry 2017, 19, 1303-1307

10. Tong Jiang, Li Dai, Yanan Lou, Zhongfeng Gao, Dan Wu, Hongmin Ma,* , Qin Wei*, Panfeng Long*. ‘Three Birds With One Stone’ functionalized metal–organic frameworks for facile and efficient chemiluminescent immunoassays. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical 2024, 409, 135607-135616