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发布者:周志强 [发表时间]:2025-03-06 [来源]:南宁师范大学化学与材料学院 [浏览次数]:
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审核 杨晶 终审










2012.9-2017.7 武汉大学物理化学专业,获理学博士学位;

2017.7-至今 南宁师范大学化学与材料学院,副教授。

主要从事纳米材料的可控制备和性能研究、纳米生物传感器及纳米材料的生物效应工作,相关科研成果发表于TalantaNanoscaleSensors & Actuators B: ChemicalAnalytica Chimica ActaChemosphereRSC Advances等国际著名期刊。




1. 国家自然科学基金项目,22363006,咪唑基MOFs抗蛋白非特异性吸附机制与性能调控研究,32万元,在研、主持。

2. 广西自然科学基金面上项目,2025GXNSFAA069613,抗蛋白干扰MOFs传感界面的构建及其氨基酸检测应用研究,10万元,在研、主持。

3. 广西自然科学基金青年基金,2018GXNSFBA138030,基于量子点掺杂机制的重金属离子探针的合成及应用,10万元,已结题、主持。

4. 广西科技基地与人才专项,桂科AD20159068,线粒体靶向的活性氧荧光纳米探针的构建及其肿瘤细胞成像应用研究,10万元,已结题、主持。

5. 南宁师范大学博士科研启动项目,重金属离子荧光纳米探针的构建及应用,18万元,在研、主持。

6. 污染物分析与资源化技术湖北重点实验室开放基金,一种基于掺杂机制的重金属元素检测的量子点探针,2万元,已结题、主持。

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21473125,低毒近红外发光量子点与蛋白质相互作用的热力学基础,已结题、参与。

8. 国家杰出青年科学基金项,21225313,生物热化学,已结题、参与。

9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21673166,具有线粒体靶向抗肿瘤功能的有机胂化合物的生物活性及其作用机制热力学基础研究,已结题、参与。

10. 国家自然科学基金项目,基于靶向近红外碳量子点纳米生物传感器的构筑及其超高灵敏识别病毒核酸的应用基础研究,已结题、参与。

11. 广西自然科学基金项目,2018JJA110055,阻氚涂层中氢/氦与晶体缺陷的交互作用行为及涂层长期服役可靠性研究,已结题、参与。

12. 教育厅广西高校中青年教师基础能力提升项目,富勒烯-蛋白质冠形成及其与细胞膜相互作用热力学研究,已结题、参与。

13. 广西高等教育教学改革工程项目,2015JGA284,基于“翻转课堂”理念的高师化学教学改革与实践研究,已结题、参与。

14. 南宁师范大学教学改革工程立项项目,2019JGX043,探究STSE教育理念下分析化学及实验课程的教学改革与实践,已结题、参与。


1. Li-Yun Yang, Nai-Jia Jiang, Zi-Han Zhang, Xiao Zhang, Hui-Yan Wu, Zhou-Yang Li, Zhi-Qiang Zhou*. A Zn-modified PCN-224 fluorescent nanoprobe for selective and sensitive turn-on detection of glutathione, Talanta, 2024, 270: 125652.

2. Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Jian-Fang Cen, Nai-Jia Jiang, Yu Sun, Zhou-Yang Li, Li-Yun Yang*. A ratiometric fluorescent nanoprobe based on CdSe quantum dots for the detection of Ag+ in environmental samples and living cells, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2023, 290: 122302.

3. Li-Yun Yang, Nai-Jia Jiang, Hui-Yan Wu, Zhou-Yang Li, Yi Liu*, Zhi-Qiang Zhou*. Porphyrin based metal-organic frameworks as an enhanced fluorescence nanoprobe for highly sensitive detection of sulfite, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2023, 323: 124017.

4. Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Jian-Fang Cen, Hui-Xiao Wang, Yu Sun, Li-Yun Yang*. Interactions of CdSe and CdSe@ ZnS quantum dots with transferrin and effects on the iron ions release, Chemical Papers, 2023: 1-10.

5. Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Yuan-Ping Liao, Hui-Yan Wu, Qi Xiao, Yi Liu,*, Li-Yun Yang, Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 capped gold nanoclusters as an “on-off-on” fluorescent nanoprobe for sensitive detection of MnO4- and ascorbic acid, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2022, 338: 111971.

6. Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Li-Yun Yang*, Ling Huang, Yuan-Ping Liao, Yi Liu, Qi Xiao*. A novel fluorescent probe for H2O2 detection based on CdSe@ZnS quantum dots/Ag nanocluster hybrid, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1106, 176-182.

7. Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Yuan-Ping Liao, Jing Yang, Shan Huang, Qi Xiao, Li-Yun Yang*, Yi Liu*. Rapid ratiometric detection of Cd2+ based on the formation of ZnSe/CdS quantum dots, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2020, 228: 117795.

8. Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Li-Yun Yang*, Yuan-Ping Liao, Hui-Yan Wu, Xiao-Hui Zhou, Shan Huang, Yi Liu, Qi Xiao*. Mn:ZnSe quantum dots-based turn-on fluorescent sensor for highly selective and sensitive detection of Cd2+, Analytical Methods, 2020, 12, 552-556.

9. Li-Yun Yang, Si-Yu Hua, Jun-Peng Fan, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Guan-Chao Wang, Feng-Lei Jiang, Zhi-Xiong Xie, Qi Xiao, Yi Liu*. Inhibition of autophagy via lysosomal impairment enhances cytotoxicity of fullerenol under starvation condition. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2020, 3(2): 977-985.

10. Shan Huang, Hai-Mei Li, Hua-Jian Luo, Li-Yun Yang, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Qi Xiao*, Yi Liu*. Conformational structure variation of human serum albumin after binding interaction with black phosphorus quantum dots, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 146: 405-414.

11. Xu Chu, Gan Ning, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Yi Liu, Qi Xiao*, Shan Huang. Bright Mn-doped carbon dots for the determination of permanganate and L-ascorbic acid by a fluorescence on-off-on strategy, Microchimica Acta, 2020, 187(12): 1-11.

12. Shan Huang, Jian-Dong Yao, Xu Chu, Gan Ning, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Yi Liu, Qi Xiao*. A ratiometric fluorescent assay for evaluation of alkaline phosphatase activity based on ionic liquid-functionalized carbon dots, Microchimica Acta, 2020, 187(5): 1-10.

13. Qing Tian, Lu Lai*, Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Ping Mei, Qing-Ye Lu, Yan-Qun Wang, Dong Xiang, Yi Liu. The interaction mechanism of different surfactants with casein: a perspective on bulk and interfacial phase behavior, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67: 6336-6349.

14. Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Ren Yan, Jie Zhao, Li-Yun Yang, Ji-Lei Cheng, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Yi Liu*. Highly selective and sensitive detection of Hg2+ based on fluorescence enhancement of Mn-doped ZnSe QDs by Hg2+-Mn2+ replacement, Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 254: 8-15.

15. Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Li-Yun Yang, Ren Yan, Jie Zhao, Yu-Qi Liu, Lu Lai, Feng-Lei Jiang*, Thomas Maskow*, Yi Liu*. Mn-Doped ZnSe quantum dots initiated mild and rapid cation exchange for tailoring the composition and optical properties of colloid nanocrystals: novel template, new applications. Nanoscale, 2017, 9(8): 2824-2835.

16. Qi-Xiang Mei, Lu Lai* , Zhi-Qiang Zhou, Ping Mei, Zhao-Hua Ren, Yan-Cheng Zheng, Yi Liu. Impact of multiple quaternary ammonium salts on dynamic properties of BSA adsorption layer at different pH values. Soft Matter, 2017, 13(40): 7273-7282.


1. 周志强;杨立云;黄凌;刘义。复合荧光纳米探针的制备及其对过氧化氢的检测方法,发明专利,中国,已授权ZL201911159390.6

2. 周志强;廖远萍;杨立云;刘义。11-巯基十一烷酸修饰的金纳米簇的制备方法及其应用,发明专利,中国,已授权ZL201911302012.9

3. 周志强;岑建芳;杨立云;杨美金。特异性检测Ag+CdSe量子点的制备及其检测方法和应用,发明专利,中国,已授权ZL202010674531.4

4. 周志强;廖远萍;杨立云;杨美金;刘义。ZIF-8包覆的金纳米簇材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,中国,已授权ZL202011008625.4